holistic approach to wellness

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Meet Dr Karen Rosel DC, LCPH

As a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)  and a Homeopath (LCPH), I bring a unique and practical perspective to homeopathic consultations.

I believe in your body’s innate intelligence and its ability to heal itself when given the right conditions.

Through the use of homeopathic remedies, diet and lifestyle adjustments, I accompany individuals to be active participants in their healing journey.

Do any of these sound like you..

  • Feeling that you can’t function well anymore even with mediations?

  • Feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

  • Your doc says everything is ok, but you still have symptoms?

  • Feeling worse since an accident / injury / trauma / illness?

  • Feeling exhausted, energy drained, can't sleep well?

  • Having side effects from chemotherapy or other medicines?

  • Having insomnia and difficulty turning off your thoughts at night?

  • Feeling grief from the loss of a loved one?

Discover the power of homeopathy and unlock your body's innate healing abilities

Homeopathy is a gentle, effective, and very safe system of medicine that supports your body's own healing mechanisms.

Follow-Up Appointments
First Consultation


”Dr Karen ... is a wonderful, caring doctor who is always friendly and comforting to her patients. Keeps smiling and keeps doing what she does so well. She truly makes a difference in the homeopathic field. Previously I had asthmatic problems and I needed to take steroid medicines. After I consumed homeopathic treatment, my asthma was gone..”

- Kaaithri Arumugam



Every person is unique, and so is their health journey. I provide personalised homeopathic consultations tailored to your specific needs.


The focus is on supporting your body's natural healing abilities. Through the use of homeopathic remedies, along with diet and lifestyle adjustments, your body can start to do what it already knows how to do…heal itself.


I believe in treating the whole person, addressing the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. A holistic approach favours lasting results.

What happens when you visit a homeopath?

This animation helps to explain what happens when you visit a homeopath and receive individualised treatment.

[Source: www.findahomeopath.org.uk ]

Customer reviews

Discover what clients think about Dr Karen as a chiropractor

Long overdue follow-up, but for anyone else who’s interested, Dr. Karen Rosel turned out to be awesome. She’s very friendly and professional, takes a really thorough holistic approach and, most importantly, appears to have effected a total cure of my gf’s longstanding lower back pain. Highly recommended..

- Catherine P. from UK

I received relief after only one Chiropractic adjustment. After only 3 Chiropractic adjustments, my sciatica was almost gone. I really appreciate Karen's work. Her approach to my issue was methodical and highly Professional, and has had remarkable success. I definitely recommend her!

Karen gives me a sense of being a very peaceful and calming person as well as being very professional and committed to her work. I came for long term muscular tension, slow recovery from an injury, and stress. After the chiropractic treatment I feel lighter, more coordinated, with less stiffness, more joint flexibility, and I am also less stressed. I would most definitely recommend the services of Dr. Rosel.

- Melina H

- C.I. from France

Dr. Rosel has a wide-range of skills in natural health and alternative therapies. She provides a sympathetic, holistic health-care service and is highly effective. I would highly recommend Dr. Rosel to anyone needing chiropractic help and to anyone seeking holistic, natural healthcare for chronic health issues.

- Gavin from Derry, Ireland

Improve your health with holistic strategies

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